Adam Vesely


Adam comes from the Czech Republic and he relocated to the UK at the start of his BSc. in Biology at Swansea University (2019-2023). As a part of his degree, he completed a Year in Research at the University’s Fungal and Arthropod Research Group which introduced him to full-time research, for which he developed strong passion. During this time, he also spent 4 months in Plant Sciences at the University of Nottingham.

After returning to Swansea University to finish his final year, he completed a 4-week internship with the Teaching Lab Technicians Team before commencing his PhD at the University of Nottingham in October 2023 under the BBSRC DTP PhD Standard Programme, starting in the Castrillo Group in March 2024.

Adam’s research is focusing on microbe-microbe interactions under limiting nutrient stresses and plant ionome network.