Identification of new salicylic acid signaling regulators for root development and microbiota composition in plants

Xianqing Jia, Zhuang Xu, Lei Xu, Juan P. Frene, Mathieu Gonin, Long Wang, Jiahong Yu, Gabriel Castrillo and Keke Yi

Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 4 December 2024. doi: 10.1111/jipb.13814

Root–soil–microbiome management is key to the success of regenerative agriculture

Sacha J. Mooney, Gabriel Castrillo, Hannah V. Cooper & Malcolm J. Bennett

Nature Food volume 5, pages451–453 (2024). 14 June 2024. doi: 10.1038/s43016-024-01001-1

Under pressure: elucidating soil compaction and its effect on soil functions

Frene, J.P., Pandey, B.K. & Castrillo, G.

Plant Soil, 1 March 2024. doi: 10.1007/s11104-024-06573-2

A dirigent protein complex directs lignin polymerization and assembly of the root diffusion barrier

Yi-Qun Gao, Jin-Quan Huang, Guilhem Reyt, Tao Song, Ashley Love, David Tiemssen, Pei-Ying Xue, Wen-Kai Wu, Michael W. George, Xiao-Ya Chen, Dai-Yin Chao, Gabriel Castrillo, and David E. Salt

SCIENCE, 26 Oct 2023, Vol 382, Issue 6669, pp. 464-471. doi: 10.1126/science.adi5032

Plant microbiota controls an alternative root branching regulatory mechanism in plants

Mathieu Gonin, Isai Salas-González, David Gopaulchan, Juan P. Frene, Stijn Roden, Bram Van de Poel, David E. Salt, and Gabriel Castrillo

PNAS. 2023 April 03; 120 (15e2301054120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2301054120
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Temperature changes in the root ecosystem affect plant functionality

González-García MP, Conesa CM, Lozano-Enguita A, Baca-González V, Simancas B, Navarro-Neila S, Sánchez-Bermúdez M, Salas-González I, Caro E, Castrillo G, Del Pozo JC.

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Climate change challenges, plant science solutions

Nancy A Eckardt, Elizabeth A Ainsworth, Rajeev N Bahuguna, Martin R Broadley, Wolfgang Busch, Nicholas C Carpita, Gabriel Castrillo, Joanne Chory, Lee R DeHaan, Carlos M Duarte, Amelia Henry, S V Krishna Jagadish, Jane Langdale, Andrew D B Leakey, James C Liao, Kuan-Jen Lu, Maureen C McCann, John K McKay, Damaris A Odeny, Eder Olivieira, J Damien Platten, Ismail Rabbi, Ellen Youngsoo Rim, Pamela C Ronald, David E Salt, Alexandra M Shigenaga, Ertao Wang, Marnin Wolfe, Xiaowei Zhang

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Direct inhibition of phosphate transport by immune signaling in Arabidopsis.

Julian Dindas, Thomas A. DeFalco, Gang Yu, Lu Zhang, Pascale David, Marta Bjornson, Marie-Christine Thibaud, Valéria Custódio, Gabriel Castrillo, Laurent Nussaume, Alberto P.Macho, Cyril Zipfel

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Sculpting the soil microbiota.

Valéria Custódio, Mathieu Gonin, Georg Stabl, Niokhor Bakhoum, M. Margarida Oliveira, Caroline Gutjahr, Gabriel Castrillo

The Plant Journal. (2021). doi: 10.1111/tpj.15568

Arsenite Provides A Selective Signal that Coordinates Arsenate Uptake and Detoxificacion Involving Regulation of PHR1 Stability in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Navarro C., Mateo-Elizalde C., Mohan T.C., Sánchez-Bermejo E., Urrutia O., Fernández-Muñiz M.N., García-Mina J.M., Muñoz R., Paz-Ares J., Castrillo G., and Leyva A.

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Two chemically distinct root lignin barriers control solute and water balance

Guilhem Reyt, Priya Ramakrishna, Isai Salas-González, Satoshi Fujita, Ashley Love, David Tiemessen, Catherine Lapierre, Kris Morreel, Monica Calvo-Polanco, Paulina Flis, Niko Geldner, Yann Boursiac, Wout Boerjan, Michael W. George, Gabriel Castrillo & David E. Salt

Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 2320 (2021). doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4588023.

Specific modulation of the root immune system by a community of commensal bacteria

Paulo J. P. L. Teixeira, Nicholas R. Colaianni, Theresa F. Law, Jonathan M. Conway, Sarah Gilbert, Haofan Li, Isai Salas-González, Darshana Panda, Nicole M. Del Risco, Omri M. Finkel, Gabriel Castrillo, Piotr Mieczkowski, Corbin D. Jones, and Jeffery L. Dangl

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA April 20, 2021 118 (16) e2100678118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2100678118.

Coordination between the microbiota and the root endodermis supports plant mineral nutrient homeostasis

Salas-González ,  I, Reyt G, Flis P, Custódio V, Gopaulchan D, Bakhoum N, Dew T, Suresh K, Benni Franke R, Dangl J, Salt D and Castrillo G.

Science. 2020 Nov 19. doi: 10.1126/science.abd0695.
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A single bacterial genus maintains root growth in a complex microbiome

Finkel O, Salas-González I, Castrillo G, Conway J, Law T , Teixeira P , Wilson E , Fitzpatrick C , Jones C, Dangl J.

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Uclacyanin Proteins Are Required for Lignified Nanodomain Formation within Casparian Strips

Reyt G, Chao Z , Flis P, Salas-González I , Castrillo G , Chao D-Y , Salt D.

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An extended root phenotype: the rhizosphere, its formation and impacts on plant fitness

de la Fuente Cantó C, Simonin M, King E, Moulin L, Bennett MJ, Castrillo G, Laplaze L.

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The effects of soil phosphorus content on plant microbiota are driven by the plant phosphate starvation response.

Finkel OM, Salas-González I, Castrillo G, Spaepen S, Law TF, Teixeira PJPL, Jones CD, Dangl JL.

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Design of synthetic bacterial communities for predictable plant phenotypes.

Herrera Paredes S, Gao T, Law TF, Finkel OM, Mucyn T, Teixeira PJPL, Salas González I, Feltcher ME, Powers MJ, Shank EA, Jones CD, Jojic V, Dangl JL, Castrillo G.

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Understanding and exploiting plant beneficial microbes.

Finkel OM, Castrillo G, Herrera Paredes S, Salas González I, Dangl JL.

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Root microbiota drive direct integration of phosphate stress and immunity.

Castrillo G, Teixeira PJ, Paredes SH, Law TF, de Lorenzo L, Feltcher ME, Finkel OM, Breakfield NW, Mieczkowski P, Jones CD, Paz-Ares J, Dangl JL.

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Cytokinin Determines Thiol-Mediated Arsenic Tolerance and Accumulation.

Mohan TC, Castrillo G, Navarro C, Zarco-Fernández S, Ramireddy E, Mateo C, Zamarreño AM, Paz-Ares J, Muñoz R, García-Mina JM, Hernández LE, Schmülling T, Leyva A.

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Natural variation in arsenate tolerance identifies an arsenate reductase in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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WRKY6 transcription factor restricts arsenate uptake and transposon activation in Arabidopsis.

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Role of actin cytoskeleton in brassinosteroid signaling and in its integration with the auxin response in plants.

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Speeding cis-trans regulation discovery by phylogenomic analyses coupled with screenings of an arrayed library of Arabidopsis transcription factors.

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A central regulatory system largely controls transcriptional activation and repression responses to phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis.

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An immunoenzymatic solid-phase assay for quantitative determination of HIV-1 protease activity.

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