Gabriel Castrillo studied biochemistry (1995-2000) at the Havana University, Cuba. He started his PhD thesis (2004-2009) as a MAE-AECI fellow in the lab of Prof Javier Paz-Ares at the Spanish National Centre for Biotechnology working on the phosphate starvation response signalling. In the same institute he did a Postdoc (2009-2013) in the lab of Prof Antonio Leyva describing the molecular basis of the arsenate signalling in plants. He left Spain to do a second Postdoc (2014-2018) at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, in the lab of Prof Jeff L. Dangl. There, he worked on the interaction between the phosphate starvation response and the plant microbiome. In 2018 he started as an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham, and he was awarded with the Nottingham Research Fellowship. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the same University.